Montana Biological Survey and Stag Benthics, SP
Macroinvertebrate Sample Collection, Processing, Identification & Metric Analysis
Freshwater Bioassessment & Monitoring
Freshwater Mussel Surveys (including SCUBA specialty diver certification.)
Stream Habitat Assessment (PFC / SVAP / River Morphology (Rosgen I & II)
Fisheries Research & Surveys
Freshwater Ecological Research
Research Design, Implementation and Deliverables
MBS services include field sampling, assessment and monitoring of the ecological condition of all freshwater habitats to address a wide range of questions: baseline impact assessment to aquatic systems, fish and wildlife guidelines for permit compliance monitoring, and baseline assessments for aquatic resource development.
Lab processing and identification of freshwater macroinvertebrate samples from across Western North America. Threatened/Endangered or Species of Concern (SOC) surveys to comply with NEPA requirements. From study design, field data collection to data analysis, interpretation, and reporting, MBS offers the full compliment of services to address your biological assessment question.
If you'd like to estimate a ballpark cost for your project, check out some of the pre-planned laboratory or field assessment estimates, ask about our non-profit, watershed group discounts:
Macroinvertebrate Processing, Identification and Analysis (1-liter Sample Bottle Delivered to Helena)
300 count - $300/sample
500-600 count - $400/sample
Macroinvertebrate Identification and Analysis (Sample Vial delivered to Helena)
300 count - $200/sample
500-600 count - $300/sample
Fish, Macroinvertebrate or Mussel Field Sampling or Rosgen / Habitat Condition Indices (Mountain/ Foothills Region)
May-October-2-person crew per day- $800 includes travel and per diem
*Add Backpack electro-shockers for $30 ea./day
Fish, Macroinvertebrate or Mussel Field Sampling or Rosgen / Habitat Condition Indices (Prairie Region)
May-October-2 person crew per day- $850 includes travel and per diem